The University of Tromsø > Giellatekno >

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diehppe: Noun (N)

diehppe N Sg Nom diehppe
diehppe N Sg Gen diehpe
diehppe N Sg Acc diehpev
diehppe N Sg Ill dähppáj dæhppáj
diehppe N Sg Ine diehpen
diehppe N Sg Ela diehpes
diehppe N Sg Com diehpijn
diehppe N Pl Nom diehpe
diehppe N Pl Gen diehpij
diehppe N Pl Acc diehpijt
diehppe N Pl Ill diehpijda
diehppe N Pl Ine diehpijn
diehppe N Pl Ela diehpijs
diehppe N Pl Com diehpij
diehppe N Abe diehpeda diehpedak
diehppe N Ess diehppen
diehppe N Sg Nom PxSg1 dähppám dæhppám
diehppe N Sg Nom PxSg2 dähppát dæhppát
diehppe N Sg Nom PxDu1 dähppáma dæhppáma
diehppe N Sg Nom PxDu2 dähppáda dæhppáda
diehppe N Sg Nom PxPl1 dähppáma dæhppáma
diehppe N Sg Nom PxPl2 dähppáda dæhppáda
diehppe N Sg Gen PxSg1 dähpám dæhpám
diehppe N Sg Gen PxSg2 dähpát dæhpát
diehppe N Sg Gen PxSg3 diehpes
diehppe N Sg Gen PxDu1 dähpáma dæhpáma
diehppe N Sg Gen PxDu2 dähpáda dæhpáda
diehppe N Sg Gen PxDu3 diehpeska
diehppe N Sg Gen PxPl1 dähpáma dæhpáma
diehppe N Sg Gen PxPl2 dähpáda dæhpáda
diehppe N Sg Gen PxPl3 diehpesa
diehppe N Sg Acc PxSg1 dähpám dæhpám
diehppe N Sg Acc PxSg2 dähpát dæhpát
diehppe N Sg Acc PxSg3 diehpes
diehppe N Sg Acc PxDu1 dähpáma dæhpáma
diehppe N Sg Acc PxDu2 dähpáda dæhpáda
diehppe N Sg Acc PxDu3 diehpeska
diehppe N Sg Acc PxPl1 dähpáma dæhpáma
diehppe N Sg Acc PxPl2 dähpáda dæhpáda
diehppe N Sg Acc PxPl3 diehpesa
diehppe N Sg Ill PxSg1 dähppásim dæhppásim
diehppe N Sg Ill PxSg2 dähppásit dæhppásit
diehppe N Sg Ill PxSg3 dähppásis dæhppásis
diehppe N Sg Ill PxDu1 dähppásimme dæhppásimme
diehppe N Sg Ill PxDu2 dähppásihtte dæhppásihtte
diehppe N Sg Ill PxDu3 dähppásiska dæhppásiska
diehppe N Sg Ill PxPl1 dähppásimme dæhppásimme
diehppe N Sg Ill PxPl2 dähppásihtte dæhppásihtte
diehppe N Sg Ill PxPl3 dähppásisá dæhppásisá
diehppe N Sg Ine PxSg1 diehpenam diehpenim
diehppe N Sg Ine PxSg2 diehpenat diehpenit
diehppe N Sg Ine PxSg3 diehpenis
diehppe N Sg Ine PxDu1 diehpenimme
diehppe N Sg Ine PxDu2 diehpenihtte
diehppe N Sg Ine PxDu3 diehpeniska
diehppe N Sg Ine PxPl1 diehpenimme
diehppe N Sg Ine PxPl2 diehpenihtte
diehppe N Sg Ine PxPl3 diehpenisá
diehppe N Sg Ela PxSg1 diehpestam diehpestim
diehppe N Sg Ela PxSg2 diehpestat diehpestit
diehppe N Sg Ela PxSg3 diehpestis
diehppe N Sg Ela PxDu1 diehpestimme
diehppe N Sg Ela PxDu2 diehpestihtte
diehppe N Sg Ela PxDu3 diehpestiska
diehppe N Sg Ela PxPl1 diehpestimme
diehppe N Sg Ela PxPl2 diehpestihtte
diehppe N Sg Ela PxPl3 diehpestisá
diehppe N Sg Com PxSg1 diehpijnam diehpijnim
diehppe N Sg Com PxSg2 diehpijnat diehpijnit
diehppe N Sg Com PxSg3 diehpijnis
diehppe N Sg Com PxDu1 diehpijnimme
diehppe N Sg Com PxDu2 diehpijnihtte
diehppe N Sg Com PxDu3 diehpijniska
diehppe N Sg Com PxPl1 diehpijnimme
diehppe N Sg Com PxPl2 diehpijnihtte
diehppe N Sg Com PxPl3 diehpijnisá
diehppe N Pl Nom PxSg1 diehpijam diehpijim
diehppe N Pl Nom PxSg2 diehpijat diehpijit
diehppe N Pl Nom PxSg3 diehpijis
diehppe N Pl Nom PxDu1 diehpijimme
diehppe N Pl Nom PxDu2 diehpijihtte
diehppe N Pl Nom PxDu3 diehpijiska
diehppe N Pl Nom PxPl1 diehpijimme
diehppe N Pl Nom PxPl2 diehpijihtte
diehppe N Pl Nom PxPl3 diehpijisá
diehppe N Pl Gen PxSg1 diehpijam diehpijim
diehppe N Pl Gen PxSg2 diehpijat diehpijit
diehppe N Pl Gen PxSg3 diehpijis
diehppe N Pl Gen PxDu1 diehpijimme
diehppe N Pl Gen PxDu2 diehpijihtte
diehppe N Pl Gen PxDu3 diehpijiska
diehppe N Pl Gen PxPl1 diehpijimme
diehppe N Pl Gen PxPl2 diehpijihtte
diehppe N Pl Gen PxPl3 diehpijisá
diehppe N Pl Acc PxSg1 diehpijdam diehpijdim
diehppe N Pl Acc PxSg2 diehpijdat diehpijdit
diehppe N Pl Acc PxSg3 diehpijdis
diehppe N Pl Acc PxDu1 diehpijdimme
diehppe N Pl Acc PxDu2 diehpijdihtte
diehppe N Pl Acc PxDu3 diehpijdiska
diehppe N Pl Acc PxPl1 diehpijdimme
diehppe N Pl Acc PxPl2 diehpijdihtte
diehppe N Pl Acc PxPl3 diehpijdisá
diehppe N Pl Ill PxSg1 diehpijdisám
diehppe N Pl Ill PxSg2 diehpijdisát
diehppe N Pl Ill PxSg3 diehpijdises
diehppe N Pl Ill PxDu1 diehpijdisema
diehppe N Pl Ill PxDu2 diehpijdiseda
diehppe N Pl Ill PxDu3 diehpijdiseska
diehppe N Pl Ill PxPl1 diehpijdisema
diehppe N Pl Ill PxPl2 diehpijdiseda
diehppe N Pl Ill PxPl3 diehpijdisesa
diehppe N Pl Ine PxSg1 diehpijnam diehpijnim
diehppe N Pl Ine PxSg2 diehpijnat diehpijnit
diehppe N Pl Ine PxSg3 diehpijnis
diehppe N Pl Ine PxDu1 diehpijnimme
diehppe N Pl Ine PxDu2 diehpijnihtte
diehppe N Pl Ine PxDu3 diehpijniska
diehppe N Pl Ine PxPl1 diehpijnimme
diehppe N Pl Ine PxPl2 diehpijnihtte
diehppe N Pl Ine PxPl3 diehpijnisá
diehppe N Pl Ela PxSg1 diehpijstam diehpijstim
diehppe N Pl Ela PxSg2 diehpijstat diehpijstit
diehppe N Pl Ela PxSg3 diehpijstis
diehppe N Pl Ela PxDu1 diehpijstimme
diehppe N Pl Ela PxDu2 diehpijstihtte
diehppe N Pl Ela PxDu3 diehpijstiska
diehppe N Pl Ela PxPl1 diehpijstimme
diehppe N Pl Ela PxPl2 diehpijstihtte
diehppe N Pl Ela PxPl3 diehpijstisá
diehppe N Pl Com PxSg1 diehpijam diehpijim
diehppe N Pl Com PxSg2 diehpijat diehpijit
diehppe N Pl Com PxSg3 diehpijis
diehppe N Pl Com PxDu1 diehpijimme
diehppe N Pl Com PxDu2 diehpijihtte
diehppe N Pl Com PxDu3 diehpijiska
diehppe N Pl Com PxPl1 diehpijimme
diehppe N Pl Com PxPl2 diehpijihtte
diehppe N Pl Com PxPl3 diehpijisá

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