The University of Tromsø > Giellatekno >

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Full paradigm

jorranlohku: Noun (N)

jorranlohku N Sg Nom jorranlohku
jorranlohku N Sg Gen jorranlogu
jorranlohku N Sg Acc jorranlogu
jorranlohku N Sg Ill jorranlohkui
jorranlohku N Sg Loc jorranlogus
jorranlohku N Sg Com jorranloguin
jorranlohku N Pl Nom jorranlogut
jorranlohku N Pl Gen jorranloguid
jorranlohku N Pl Acc jorranloguid
jorranlohku N Pl Ill jorranloguide
jorranlohku N Pl Loc jorranloguin
jorranlohku N Pl Com jorranloguiguin
jorranlohku N Ess jorranlohkun
jorranlohku N Sg Nom PxSg1 jorranlohkon
jorranlohku N Sg Nom PxSg2 jorranlohkot
jorranlohku N Sg Nom PxDu1 jorranlohkome
jorranlohku N Sg Nom PxDu2 jorranlohkode
jorranlohku N Sg Nom PxPl1 jorranlohkomet
jorranlohku N Sg Nom PxPl2 jorranlohkodet
jorranlohku N Sg Gen PxSg1 jorranlohkon
jorranlohku N Sg Gen PxSg2 jorranlogot
jorranlohku N Sg Gen PxSg3 jorranlogus
jorranlohku N Sg Gen PxDu1 jorranlohkome
jorranlohku N Sg Gen PxDu2 jorranlogode
jorranlohku N Sg Gen PxDu3 jorranloguska
jorranlohku N Sg Gen PxPl1 jorranlohkomet
jorranlohku N Sg Gen PxPl2 jorranlogodet
jorranlohku N Sg Gen PxPl3 jorranloguset
jorranlohku N Sg Acc PxSg1 jorranlohkon
jorranlohku N Sg Acc PxSg2 jorranlogot
jorranlohku N Sg Acc PxSg3 jorranlogus
jorranlohku N Sg Acc PxDu1 jorranlohkome
jorranlohku N Sg Acc PxDu2 jorranlogode
jorranlohku N Sg Acc PxDu3 jorranloguska
jorranlohku N Sg Acc PxPl1 jorranlohkomet
jorranlohku N Sg Acc PxPl2 jorranlogodet
jorranlohku N Sg Acc PxPl3 jorranloguset
jorranlohku N Sg Ill PxSg1 jorranlohkosan
jorranlohku N Sg Ill PxSg2 jorranlohkosat
jorranlohku N Sg Ill PxSg3 jorranlohkosis
jorranlohku N Sg Ill PxDu1 jorranlohkoseame
jorranlohku N Sg Ill PxDu2 jorranlohkoseatte
jorranlohku N Sg Ill PxDu3 jorranlohkoseaskka
jorranlohku N Sg Ill PxPl1 jorranlohkoseamet
jorranlohku N Sg Ill PxPl2 jorranlohkoseattet
jorranlohku N Sg Ill PxPl3 jorranlohkoseaset
jorranlohku N Sg Loc PxSg1 jorranlogustan
jorranlohku N Sg Loc PxSg2 jorranlogustat
jorranlohku N Sg Loc PxSg3 jorranlogustis
jorranlohku N Sg Loc PxDu1 jorranlogusteame
jorranlohku N Sg Loc PxDu2 jorranlogusteatte
jorranlohku N Sg Loc PxDu3 jorranlogusteaskka
jorranlohku N Sg Loc PxPl1 jorranlogusteamet
jorranlohku N Sg Loc PxPl2 jorranlogusteattet
jorranlohku N Sg Loc PxPl3 jorranlogusteaset
jorranlohku N Sg Com PxSg1 jorranloguinan
jorranlohku N Sg Com PxSg2 jorranloguinat
jorranlohku N Sg Com PxSg3 jorranloguinis
jorranlohku N Sg Com PxDu1 jorranloguineame
jorranlohku N Sg Com PxDu2 jorranloguineatte
jorranlohku N Sg Com PxDu3 jorranloguineaskka
jorranlohku N Sg Com PxPl1 jorranloguineamet
jorranlohku N Sg Com PxPl2 jorranloguineattet
jorranlohku N Sg Com PxPl3 jorranloguineaset
jorranlohku N Pl Gen PxSg1 jorranloguidan
jorranlohku N Pl Gen PxSg2 jorranloguidat
jorranlohku N Pl Gen PxSg3 jorranloguidis
jorranlohku N Pl Gen PxDu1 jorranloguideame
jorranlohku N Pl Gen PxDu2 jorranloguideatte
jorranlohku N Pl Gen PxDu3 jorranloguideaskka
jorranlohku N Pl Gen PxPl1 jorranloguideamet
jorranlohku N Pl Gen PxPl2 jorranloguideattet
jorranlohku N Pl Gen PxPl3 jorranloguideaset
jorranlohku N Pl Acc PxSg1 jorranloguidan
jorranlohku N Pl Acc PxSg2 jorranloguidat
jorranlohku N Pl Acc PxSg3 jorranloguidis
jorranlohku N Pl Acc PxDu1 jorranloguideame
jorranlohku N Pl Acc PxDu2 jorranloguideatte
jorranlohku N Pl Acc PxDu3 jorranloguideaskka
jorranlohku N Pl Acc PxPl1 jorranloguideamet
jorranlohku N Pl Acc PxPl2 jorranloguideattet
jorranlohku N Pl Acc PxPl3 jorranloguideaset
jorranlohku N Pl Ill PxSg1 jorranloguidasan
jorranlohku N Pl Ill PxSg2 jorranloguidasat
jorranlohku N Pl Ill PxSg3 jorranloguidasas
jorranlohku N Pl Ill PxDu1 jorranloguidasame
jorranlohku N Pl Ill PxDu2 jorranloguidasade
jorranlohku N Pl Ill PxDu3 jorranloguidasaska
jorranlohku N Pl Ill PxPl1 jorranloguidasamet
jorranlohku N Pl Ill PxPl2 jorranloguidasadet
jorranlohku N Pl Ill PxPl3 jorranloguidasaset
jorranlohku N Pl Loc PxSg1 jorranloguinan
jorranlohku N Pl Loc PxSg2 jorranloguinat
jorranlohku N Pl Loc PxSg3 jorranloguinis
jorranlohku N Pl Loc PxDu1 jorranloguineame
jorranlohku N Pl Loc PxDu2 jorranloguineatte
jorranlohku N Pl Loc PxDu3 jorranloguineaskka
jorranlohku N Pl Loc PxPl1 jorranloguineamet
jorranlohku N Pl Loc PxPl2 jorranloguineattet
jorranlohku N Pl Loc PxPl3 jorranloguineaset
jorranlohku N Pl Com PxSg1 jorranloguidanguin
jorranlohku N Pl Com PxSg2 jorranloguidatguin
jorranlohku N Pl Com PxSg3 jorranloguidisguin
jorranlohku N Pl Com PxDu1 jorranloguideameguin
jorranlohku N Pl Com PxDu2 jorranloguideatteguin
jorranlohku N Pl Com PxDu3 jorranloguideaskkaguin
jorranlohku N Pl Com PxPl1 jorranloguideametguin
jorranlohku N Pl Com PxPl2 jorranloguideattetguin
jorranlohku N Pl Com PxPl3 jorranloguideasetguin
jorranlohku N Ess PxSg1 jorranlohkunan
jorranlohku N Ess PxSg2 jorranlohkunat
jorranlohku N Ess PxSg3 jorranlohkunis
jorranlohku N Ess PxDu1 jorranlohkuneame
jorranlohku N Ess PxDu2 jorranlohkuneatte
jorranlohku N Ess PxDu3 jorranlohkuneaskka
jorranlohku N Ess PxPl1 jorranlohkuneamet
jorranlohku N Ess PxPl2 jorranlohkuneattet
jorranlohku N Ess PxPl3 jorranlohkuneaset

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