The University of Tromsø > Giellatekno >

Give minimal paradigm


Full paradigm

hoapmir: Noun (N)

hoapmir N Sg Nom hoapmir
hoapmir N Sg Gen hoapmira
hoapmir N Sg Acc hoapmira
hoapmir N Sg Ill hoapmirii
hoapmir N Sg Loc hoapmiris
hoapmir N Sg Com hoapmiriin
hoapmir N Pl Nom hoapmirat
hoapmir N Pl Gen hoapmiriid
hoapmir N Pl Acc hoapmiriid
hoapmir N Pl Ill hoapmiriidda
hoapmir N Pl Loc hoapmiriin
hoapmir N Pl Com hoapmiriiguin
hoapmir N Ess hoapmirin
hoapmir N Sg Nom PxSg1 hoapmiran
hoapmir N Sg Nom PxSg2 hoapmirat
hoapmir N Sg Nom PxDu1 hoapmireame
hoapmir N Sg Nom PxDu2 hoapmireatte
hoapmir N Sg Nom PxPl1 hoapmireamet
hoapmir N Sg Nom PxPl2 hoapmireattet
hoapmir N Sg Gen PxSg1 hoapmiran
hoapmir N Sg Gen PxSg2 hoapmirat
hoapmir N Sg Gen PxSg3 hoapmiris
hoapmir N Sg Gen PxDu1 hoapmireame
hoapmir N Sg Gen PxDu2 hoapmireatte
hoapmir N Sg Gen PxDu3 hoapmireaskka
hoapmir N Sg Gen PxPl1 hoapmireamet
hoapmir N Sg Gen PxPl2 hoapmireattet
hoapmir N Sg Gen PxPl3 hoapmireaset
hoapmir N Sg Acc PxSg1 hoapmiran
hoapmir N Sg Acc PxSg2 hoapmirat
hoapmir N Sg Acc PxSg3 hoapmiris
hoapmir N Sg Acc PxDu1 hoapmireame
hoapmir N Sg Acc PxDu2 hoapmireatte
hoapmir N Sg Acc PxDu3 hoapmireaskka
hoapmir N Sg Acc PxPl1 hoapmireamet
hoapmir N Sg Acc PxPl2 hoapmireattet
hoapmir N Sg Acc PxPl3 hoapmireaset
hoapmir N Sg Ill PxSg1 hoapmirasan
hoapmir N Sg Ill PxSg2 hoapmirasat
hoapmir N Sg Ill PxSg3 hoapmirasas
hoapmir N Sg Ill PxDu1 hoapmirasame
hoapmir N Sg Ill PxDu2 hoapmirasade
hoapmir N Sg Ill PxDu3 hoapmirasaska
hoapmir N Sg Ill PxPl1 hoapmirasamet
hoapmir N Sg Ill PxPl2 hoapmirasadet
hoapmir N Sg Ill PxPl3 hoapmirasaset
hoapmir N Sg Loc PxSg1 hoapmiristtán
hoapmir N Sg Loc PxSg2 hoapmiristtát
hoapmir N Sg Loc PxSg3 hoapmiristtis
hoapmir N Sg Loc PxDu1 hoapmiristtáme
hoapmir N Sg Loc PxDu2 hoapmiristtáde
hoapmir N Sg Loc PxDu3 hoapmiristtiska
hoapmir N Sg Loc PxPl1 hoapmiristtámet
hoapmir N Sg Loc PxPl2 hoapmiristtádet
hoapmir N Sg Loc PxPl3 hoapmiristtiset
hoapmir N Sg Com PxSg1 hoapmiriinnán
hoapmir N Sg Com PxSg2 hoapmiriinnát
hoapmir N Sg Com PxSg3 hoapmiriinnis
hoapmir N Sg Com PxDu1 hoapmiriinnáme
hoapmir N Sg Com PxDu2 hoapmiriinnáde
hoapmir N Sg Com PxDu3 hoapmiriinniska
hoapmir N Sg Com PxPl1 hoapmiriinnámet
hoapmir N Sg Com PxPl2 hoapmiriinnádet
hoapmir N Sg Com PxPl3 hoapmiriinniset
hoapmir N Pl Gen PxSg1 hoapmiriiddán
hoapmir N Pl Gen PxSg2 hoapmiriiddát
hoapmir N Pl Gen PxSg3 hoapmiriiddis
hoapmir N Pl Gen PxDu1 hoapmiriiddáme
hoapmir N Pl Gen PxDu2 hoapmiriiddáde
hoapmir N Pl Gen PxDu3 hoapmiriiddiska
hoapmir N Pl Gen PxPl1 hoapmiriiddámet
hoapmir N Pl Gen PxPl2 hoapmiriiddádet
hoapmir N Pl Gen PxPl3 hoapmiriiddiset
hoapmir N Pl Acc PxSg1 hoapmiriiddán
hoapmir N Pl Acc PxSg2 hoapmiriiddát
hoapmir N Pl Acc PxSg3 hoapmiriiddis
hoapmir N Pl Acc PxDu1 hoapmiriiddáme
hoapmir N Pl Acc PxDu2 hoapmiriiddáde
hoapmir N Pl Acc PxDu3 hoapmiriiddiska
hoapmir N Pl Acc PxPl1 hoapmiriiddámet
hoapmir N Pl Acc PxPl2 hoapmiriiddádet
hoapmir N Pl Acc PxPl3 hoapmiriiddiset
hoapmir N Pl Ill PxSg1 hoapmiriiddásan
hoapmir N Pl Ill PxSg2 hoapmiriiddásat
hoapmir N Pl Ill PxSg3 hoapmiriiddásis
hoapmir N Pl Ill PxDu1 hoapmiriiddáseame
hoapmir N Pl Ill PxDu2 hoapmiriiddáseatte
hoapmir N Pl Ill PxDu3 hoapmiriiddáseaskka
hoapmir N Pl Ill PxPl1 hoapmiriiddáseamet
hoapmir N Pl Ill PxPl2 hoapmiriiddáseattet
hoapmir N Pl Ill PxPl3 hoapmiriiddáseaset
hoapmir N Pl Loc PxSg1 hoapmiriinnán
hoapmir N Pl Loc PxSg2 hoapmiriinnát
hoapmir N Pl Loc PxSg3 hoapmiriinnis
hoapmir N Pl Loc PxDu1 hoapmiriinnáme
hoapmir N Pl Loc PxDu2 hoapmiriinnáde
hoapmir N Pl Loc PxDu3 hoapmiriinniska
hoapmir N Pl Loc PxPl1 hoapmiriinnámet
hoapmir N Pl Loc PxPl2 hoapmiriinnádet
hoapmir N Pl Loc PxPl3 hoapmiriinniset
hoapmir N Pl Com PxSg1 hoapmiriiddánguin
hoapmir N Pl Com PxSg2 hoapmiriiddátguin
hoapmir N Pl Com PxSg3 hoapmiriiddisguin
hoapmir N Pl Com PxDu1 hoapmiriiddámeguin
hoapmir N Pl Com PxDu2 hoapmiriiddádeguin
hoapmir N Pl Com PxDu3 hoapmiriiddiskaguin
hoapmir N Pl Com PxPl1 hoapmiriiddámetguin
hoapmir N Pl Com PxPl2 hoapmiriiddádetguin
hoapmir N Pl Com PxPl3 hoapmiriiddisetguin

Morphological tags