The University of Tromsø > Giellatekno >

Give minimal paradigm


Full paradigm

bargoohcci: Noun (N)

bargoohcci N Sg Nom bargoohcci
bargoohcci N Sg Gen bargoohcci
bargoohcci N Sg Acc bargoohcci
bargoohcci N Sg Ill bargoohccái
bargoohcci N Sg Loc bargoohccis
bargoohcci N Sg Com bargoohcciin
bargoohcci N Pl Nom bargoohccit
bargoohcci N Pl Gen bargoohcciid
bargoohcci N Pl Acc bargoohcciid
bargoohcci N Pl Ill bargoohcciide
bargoohcci N Pl Loc bargoohcciin
bargoohcci N Pl Com bargoohcciiguin
bargoohcci N NomAg Sg Nom bargoohcci
bargoohcci N NomAg Sg Gen bargoohcci
bargoohcci N NomAg Sg Acc bargoohcci
bargoohcci N NomAg Sg Ill bargoohccái
bargoohcci N NomAg Sg Loc bargoohccis
bargoohcci N NomAg Sg Com bargoohcciin
bargoohcci N NomAg Pl Nom bargoohccit
bargoohcci N NomAg Pl Gen bargoohcciid
bargoohcci N NomAg Pl Acc bargoohcciid
bargoohcci N NomAg Pl Ill bargoohcciide
bargoohcci N NomAg Pl Loc bargoohcciin
bargoohcci N NomAg Pl Com bargoohcciiguin
bargoohcci N Ess bargoohccin
bargoohcci N Sg Nom PxSg1 bargoohccán
bargoohcci N Sg Nom PxSg2 bargoohccát
bargoohcci N Sg Nom PxDu1 bargoohccáme
bargoohcci N Sg Nom PxDu2 bargoohccáde
bargoohcci N Sg Nom PxPl1 bargoohccámet
bargoohcci N Sg Nom PxPl2 bargoohccádet
bargoohcci N Sg Gen PxSg1 bargoohccán
bargoohcci N Sg Gen PxSg2 bargoohccát
bargoohcci N Sg Gen PxSg3 bargoohccis
bargoohcci N Sg Gen PxDu1 bargoohccáme
bargoohcci N Sg Gen PxDu2 bargoohccáde
bargoohcci N Sg Gen PxDu3 bargoohcciska
bargoohcci N Sg Gen PxPl1 bargoohccámet
bargoohcci N Sg Gen PxPl2 bargoohccádet
bargoohcci N Sg Gen PxPl3 bargoohcciset
bargoohcci N Sg Acc PxSg1 bargoohccán
bargoohcci N Sg Acc PxSg2 bargoohccát
bargoohcci N Sg Acc PxSg3 bargoohccis
bargoohcci N Sg Acc PxDu1 bargoohccáme
bargoohcci N Sg Acc PxDu2 bargoohccáde
bargoohcci N Sg Acc PxDu3 bargoohcciska
bargoohcci N Sg Acc PxPl1 bargoohccámet
bargoohcci N Sg Acc PxPl2 bargoohccádet
bargoohcci N Sg Acc PxPl3 bargoohcciset
bargoohcci N Sg Ill PxSg1 bargoohccásan
bargoohcci N Sg Ill PxSg2 bargoohccásat
bargoohcci N Sg Ill PxSg3 bargoohccásis
bargoohcci N Sg Ill PxDu1 bargoohccáseame
bargoohcci N Sg Ill PxDu2 bargoohccáseatte
bargoohcci N Sg Ill PxDu3 bargoohccáseaskka
bargoohcci N Sg Ill PxPl1 bargoohccáseamet
bargoohcci N Sg Ill PxPl2 bargoohccáseattet
bargoohcci N Sg Ill PxPl3 bargoohccáseaset
bargoohcci N Sg Loc PxSg1 bargoohccistan
bargoohcci N Sg Loc PxSg2 bargoohccistat
bargoohcci N Sg Loc PxSg3 bargoohccistis
bargoohcci N Sg Loc PxDu1 bargoohccisteame
bargoohcci N Sg Loc PxDu2 bargoohccisteatte
bargoohcci N Sg Loc PxDu3 bargoohccisteaskka
bargoohcci N Sg Loc PxPl1 bargoohccisteamet
bargoohcci N Sg Loc PxPl2 bargoohccisteattet
bargoohcci N Sg Loc PxPl3 bargoohccisteaset
bargoohcci N Sg Com PxSg1 bargoohcciinan
bargoohcci N Sg Com PxSg2 bargoohcciinat
bargoohcci N Sg Com PxSg3 bargoohcciinis
bargoohcci N Sg Com PxDu1 bargoohcciineame
bargoohcci N Sg Com PxDu2 bargoohcciineatte
bargoohcci N Sg Com PxDu3 bargoohcciineaskka
bargoohcci N Sg Com PxPl1 bargoohcciineamet
bargoohcci N Sg Com PxPl2 bargoohcciineattet
bargoohcci N Sg Com PxPl3 bargoohcciineaset
bargoohcci N Pl Gen PxSg1 bargoohcciidan
bargoohcci N Pl Gen PxSg2 bargoohcciidat
bargoohcci N Pl Gen PxSg3 bargoohcciidis
bargoohcci N Pl Gen PxDu1 bargoohcciideame
bargoohcci N Pl Gen PxDu2 bargoohcciideatte
bargoohcci N Pl Gen PxDu3 bargoohcciideaskka
bargoohcci N Pl Gen PxPl1 bargoohcciideamet
bargoohcci N Pl Gen PxPl2 bargoohcciideattet
bargoohcci N Pl Gen PxPl3 bargoohcciideaset
bargoohcci N Pl Acc PxSg1 bargoohcciidan
bargoohcci N Pl Acc PxSg2 bargoohcciidat
bargoohcci N Pl Acc PxSg3 bargoohcciidis
bargoohcci N Pl Acc PxDu1 bargoohcciideame
bargoohcci N Pl Acc PxDu2 bargoohcciideatte
bargoohcci N Pl Acc PxDu3 bargoohcciideaskka
bargoohcci N Pl Acc PxPl1 bargoohcciideamet
bargoohcci N Pl Acc PxPl2 bargoohcciideattet
bargoohcci N Pl Acc PxPl3 bargoohcciideaset
bargoohcci N Pl Ill PxSg1 bargoohcciidasan
bargoohcci N Pl Ill PxSg2 bargoohcciidasat
bargoohcci N Pl Ill PxSg3 bargoohcciidasas
bargoohcci N Pl Ill PxDu1 bargoohcciidasame
bargoohcci N Pl Ill PxDu2 bargoohcciidasade
bargoohcci N Pl Ill PxDu3 bargoohcciidasaska
bargoohcci N Pl Ill PxPl1 bargoohcciidasamet
bargoohcci N Pl Ill PxPl2 bargoohcciidasadet
bargoohcci N Pl Ill PxPl3 bargoohcciidasaset
bargoohcci N Pl Loc PxSg1 bargoohcciinan
bargoohcci N Pl Loc PxSg2 bargoohcciinat
bargoohcci N Pl Loc PxSg3 bargoohcciinis
bargoohcci N Pl Loc PxDu1 bargoohcciineame
bargoohcci N Pl Loc PxDu2 bargoohcciineatte
bargoohcci N Pl Loc PxDu3 bargoohcciineaskka
bargoohcci N Pl Loc PxPl1 bargoohcciineamet
bargoohcci N Pl Loc PxPl2 bargoohcciineattet
bargoohcci N Pl Loc PxPl3 bargoohcciineaset
bargoohcci N Pl Com PxSg1 bargoohcciidanguin
bargoohcci N Pl Com PxSg2 bargoohcciidatguin
bargoohcci N Pl Com PxSg3 bargoohcciidisguin
bargoohcci N Pl Com PxDu1 bargoohcciideameguin
bargoohcci N Pl Com PxDu2 bargoohcciideatteguin
bargoohcci N Pl Com PxDu3 bargoohcciideaskkaguin
bargoohcci N Pl Com PxPl1 bargoohcciideametguin
bargoohcci N Pl Com PxPl2 bargoohcciideattetguin
bargoohcci N Pl Com PxPl3 bargoohcciideasetguin
bargoohcci N Ess PxSg1 bargoohccinan
bargoohcci N Ess PxSg2 bargoohccinat
bargoohcci N Ess PxSg3 bargoohccinis
bargoohcci N Ess PxDu1 bargoohccineame
bargoohcci N Ess PxDu2 bargoohccineatte
bargoohcci N Ess PxDu3 bargoohccineaskka
bargoohcci N Ess PxPl1 bargoohccineamet
bargoohcci N Ess PxPl2 bargoohccineattet
bargoohcci N Ess PxPl3 bargoohccineaset

Morphological tags