The University of Tromsø > Giellatekno >

Give minimal paradigm


Full paradigm

lohkemefealloe: Noun (N)

lohkemefealloe N Sg Nom lohkemefealloe
lohkemefealloe N Sg Gen lohkemefealloen
lohkemefealloe N Sg Acc lohkemefealloem
lohkemefealloe N Sg Ill lohkemefeallose lohkemefyöllese
lohkemefealloe N Sg Ine lohkemefeallosne
lohkemefealloe N Sg Ela lohkemefealloste
lohkemefealloe N Sg Com lohkemefeallojne
lohkemefealloe N Pl Nom lohkemefealloeh
lohkemefealloe N Pl Gen lohkemefealloej
lohkemefealloe N Pl Acc lohkemefeallojde
lohkemefealloe N Pl Ill lohkemefeallojde
lohkemefealloe N Pl Ine lohkemefeallojne
lohkemefealloe N Pl Ela lohkemefeallojste
lohkemefealloe N Pl Com lohkemefealloejgujmie
lohkemefealloe N Ess lohkemefeallojne
lohkemefealloe N Sg Nom PxSg1 lohkemefeallome
lohkemefealloe N Sg Nom PxSg2 lohkemefealledh
lohkemefealloe N Sg Nom PxSg3 lohkemefeallese lohkemefeallobe
lohkemefealloe N Sg Gen PxSg1 lohkemefeallene
lohkemefealloe N Sg Gen PxSg3 lohkemefealloben
lohkemefealloe N Sg Acc PxSg1 lohkemefealleme lohkemefeallemem
lohkemefealloe N Sg Acc PxSg2 lohkemefeallemdh
lohkemefealloe N Sg Acc PxSg3 lohkemefeallemse lohkemefeallobem
lohkemefealloe N Sg Ill PxSg1 lohkemefyöllesanne
lohkemefealloe N Sg Ill PxSg2 lohkemefyöllesadth
lohkemefealloe N Sg Ill PxSg3 lohkemefealloebasse
lohkemefealloe N Sg Ine PxSg3 lohkemefealloebisnie
lohkemefealloe N Sg Ela PxSg1 lohkemefealloestanne
lohkemefealloe N Sg Ela PxSg2 lohkemefealloestadth
lohkemefealloe N Sg Ela PxSg3 lohkemefealloebistie
lohkemefealloe N Sg Com PxSg2 lohkemefealloenadth
lohkemefealloe N Sg Com PxSg3 lohkemefealloebinie
lohkemefealloe N Sg Ess PxSg3 lohkemefealloebinie

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